U.S.A. made Belgian Mauser Model 1889 sword bayonet for both the rifle and carbine. Bright finished fullered blade with staining, American maker’s name HOPKINS & ALLEN, ARMS Co, Norwich Conn, U.S.A. crisp on ricasso. Excellent bright finished pommel with T-slot and crossguard with quillon and muzzle ring; MRD 17,3 mm. wooden grips secured with two Belgium type fastener screws to the blade tang. No scabbard.
On August 4, 1915 during WWI, Belgium made a contract with Hopkins & Allen, Norwich, Conneticut, USA for 140.000 M 1889 rifles and 10.000 carbines. However in 1916 Hopkins & Allen went bankrupt. At that moment only a small part of the order was produced and delivered. What was finally delivered and if it was ever complete, is unknown. These bayonets are seldom found with a scabbard. The delivery was simply not completed. (Reference WW 92, JN 17/3 and K 290)